說實在話,以前從來也沒想過我真的會住到國外,而且還到了義大利北部這個絕對不屬於都會城市的地方。搬過來四年多,也漸漸適應了此處悠閒緩慢的生活。聽過這個城市的朋友並不多,每每談起,總是要花點時間解釋,幾年下來也習慣了。偶然之間看到城市筆記的串聯活動,稍作思考以後竟然發現,一些自己已經習以為常的地點,竟然還叫不出名字來…姑且就讓我跟隨著前人的腳步,做起屬於我的城市筆記,更清楚地認識我目前的居住地 – 維琴察,帕拉底歐之城。
Honestly speaking, I'd never thought that I'd move abroad and come to this non-metropolitan city in the north Italy. Four years have passed since I arrived. Gradually I am adapting the relaxed and slow pace here. Not too many friends heard of this city before. Every time I was asked where I am living, I always have to spend some time explaining. By accident I saw this blogger activity "10-places-of-my-city". Thinking carefully, I didn't even know some of the places that I go very often. So I've decided to follow the trend and take my own note, to get to know even more clearly of where I am living - Vicenza, the city of Palladio.
Situated in the Creazzo area. This is a ice cream shop with a very enthusiastic hostess and my favorite ice cream in the whole Italy.
The place I and my husband had our wedding banquet. Food is really good. Once in a while we would find some excuses to go and feast.
One of the most famous heritage site in Vicenza city center. It is a must go place for visitors and I go there whenever friends come for a visit. Whenever I go, I am still amazed by the beautiful sight on the stage.
The best place to have a panorammic view of Vicenza. The quare itself is a popular/romantic places for lovers. Besides the square stands the beautiful sanctuary, Chiesa di S. Maria, the most famous and visited sanctuary in the Veneto area.
The main street in the Vicenza city center. Major shopping area.
The biggest bookshop in Viccenza. Though most of the books are in Italian, I still enjoy the feeling to be surrounded by books.
市中心最大的廣場,市集的主要地點,有著帕拉底歐設計建造的Basilica Palladiana,這個有著淺綠色船型屋頂的建築物,是維琴察的地標。
The main square of Viccenza and major area for market. Beside the square there's the famous Basilica Palladiana that was designed and constructed by Palladio. This building with boat shaped roof in pale green color is the landmark of Vicenza.
I've been to this art gallery quite a few times because it is the exhibition area of an arts shop that is belonged to a friend's mother. The ownder of the shop is also a collectionist and is very keen on contemporary art. Every couple months there's a new temporary exhibition. Because of our friend, my husband and I am always invited for the opening. The funny thing is, though I am familiar with the place, I only got to know its name at the very day when I wrote this article.
A food shop that we discovered about two years ago. Every Thursday there's fresh stuff from Puglia area in the south Italy. The mozzarella cheese is my favorate.
Among all the coffee shop in the city center, this is my favorate. There's no luxurious decoration and the main "winning point" is its flavor. In winter time, I especially like to have a cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon that help to warm up my body and bring up my mood...
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