September 18, 2004

Mom's Visit: Vicenza

"I've come here for several times... but I've never visited the city where you live." Mom said. Well, Vicenza is actually a good place to visit, but for various reasons I just couldn't find the time to take my mom around during her last two visits. She's finally staying a bit longer this time, so we picked a nice afternoon to visit the historic center of Vicenza.

維琴察除了每年有三次義大利最著名的黃金飾品展以外,也是建築人朝聖地之一,原因無他,就是為了十六世紀著名的建築大師帕拉底歐的作品,因此,許多建築人常常會到維琴察來個帕拉底歐之旅,仔細地參觀各座出於大師之手的豪華宅邸。在維琴察的市中心,必訪之處有二,一是到主廣場Piazza dei Signori看Basilica Palladiana,二則是Teatro Olympico,都是大師之作。事實上,維琴察又有帕拉底歐之城的美名,整個市中心也因為大師留下來的重要作品,被聯合國列入世界遺產名錄之中。
Every year, three major gold fairs are held in Vicenza. However, Vicenza is not only famous for the gold industry, it is also a pilgrimage place for architects due to Palladian villas of the 16th century. Many architects come to see the grand villas designed by Palladio. There are two must-go in Vicenza center. One is the Basilica Palladiana in the main square Piazza dei Signori. The other is Teatro Olympico at one side of the major street Corso Palladio. Both sites were important works that Palladio left behind. Vicenza actually enters the World Heritage List for its richness of Palladian works.

We had an early lunch. My husband sent us to the center. The time was just right for visiting the theater and museum, and then for some shopping. August is time for vacation and many cities are actually empty. In less touristic places, some shops are closed for vacation. It is a good time to visit Italy for those who do not enjoy crowds but can endure hot weather.

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