February 27, 2006

渡假不渡假Vacation or not?!

The busier I am, the more I think about things unrelated to work as mediation. Things from what I would have for dinner, to where we can go for vacation… just a small thought of it can always bring me some happiness.

I especially enjoy thinking about traveling, where to go, what to do, what to see and what to eat. Just thinking about it makes my heart “fly”.

It doesn’t seem to be a “smooth” year for traveling. At the beginning we thought to go back to Taiwan in March, but the trip was postponed to June due to Michele’s work schedule. After Cristian and Silvia decided to come along in June, Michele was told that the project would be ended in October. So the two-couple trip has become a one-couple plus a light bulb!

The extended work schedule means money, and as a freelancer there’s nothing to be complained about. However, our “trip of the year” is also postponed. (Well, in my dictionary going back to Taiwan has nothing to do with vacation.) We thought to go to New Zealand, but after a thorough consideration about long flight and our cats, we decided to postpone it at least until I receive Italian citizenship (so that I won’t need to apply for a visa). The destination was changed from New Zealand to Iceland. Up to now, it seems that we can’t even go to Iceland. Michele will only be free in October (and according to past experiences when they say October it means November at least). By that time it’s already deep winter in Iceland, not the best place to go if considering security and financial point of view.

Well, it’s such a big world and I kind of have the feeling that I want something different this year. However, considering from time, places and political issues I just can’t come up with anything. I can’t think of a place to go!! It’s the very first time in my life that I don’t know where to go. My leisure-time in this busy period is gone… Who can find it back for me…


DuduAline said...

Dear Thelma
真的是有錢沒時間 那不然就明年囉 再去北歐 不然就是要有強健的身體才行ㄛ

Thelma said...

對啊...好不容易為了這趟旅行攢了點旅費, 就怕一不小心又把它用掉了, 存錢不易啊~~~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


等至時間充分再出去旅遊 !!

Thelma said...

是不怕沒地點, 只怕有錢有閒的時候想去的地方都剛好不是季節. 那溫暖陽光和習習海風聽起來就很悠閒, 還真不是我的渡假方式哩!

那燈泡是當定了, 不過我會把周圍的人一起拖下水, 反正會有人陪我.
至於在義大利旅行, 也不是沒想過, 只不過離家近的地方好像比較沒有動力, 大概因為覺得想去隨時都可以去的關係. 而且說實話, 在義大利境內旅行比起"出國"可是貴上許多哩!