說起來也挺感傷, 網路拉近了人的距離, 卻造成了另一種疏離.
仔細看了看活動, 順手貼上來, 也希望看到的人踴躍響應...我也會在稿子堆裡找時間寫的 ^_^
- 將整篇活動訊息以E-MAIL轉寄,或貼在部落格、電子報、新聞台等公開形式,讓你的親朋好友們知道。(也可以利用部落格的引用喔!)
- 收到訊息的朋友,一方面可以再繼續傳給更多人知道,一方面則可以開始收集地址囉!
- 在12月15日前,將親筆手寫的卡片寄出。(若在國外,那就得再提前一點寄出卡片囉!)
- 最後,在2005年12月31日晚上以前,將你收到卡片的感動,或者收到的卡片內容,在跨年的夜晚與大家一起分享!
- 在寫地址的時候,希望大家也能用手寫哦!^^
- 請將活動用貼紙一併轉寄或貼在部落格、電子報、新聞台喔!
How long haven't you received and opened a handwritten card?
How long haven't you sent a handwritten greeting card to someone?
At end of year 2005 , in such a cold winter season, let's call back the memories of handwriting wishes. Send the deepest wishes to whom you want.
To: those who long for warmth
Date: from now on to 31 Dec 2005. Sure, you may continue forever......
- Forward this message to your friends; or you can post it on your blog, e-paper, or on your website (or just quote by your blog).
- Those who get this message, please forward to others, and open your address book, find someone you want to write to.
- Send your handwriten card before 15 Dec 2005. If you wand to send cards abroad, remember to send them early.
- Finally, if you get any handwritten card before 31 Dec 2005, please do not forget to share your happiness and feeling with us on X'mas eve. You can write down your feeling or quote some phrases on your blog or website.
PS1. Please do not PRINT the address, but WRITE it too.
PS2. Please attach the logo of activity in email or post it on your blog, website.
PS3. If you feel the English version is not so well, you can foward this message by your perfect one.