November 29, 2005

2005手寫平安夜?2005 Send a "real" X'mas!

早上一打開信箱, 這個標題馬上就吸引了我...我向來都喜歡手寫卡片, 離上一次手寫耶誕卡, 好像也不是太久的事, 不過也是零零星星寫個幾張, 像國高中時期一次寄個五六十張的盛況不再, 一方面是因為"現代人"早已不來這套, 一方面是因為住在國外郵資挺嚇人.

說起來也挺感傷, 網路拉近了人的距離, 卻造成了另一種疏離.

仔細看了看活動, 順手貼上來, 也希望看到的人踴躍響應...我也會在稿子堆裡找時間寫的 ^_^







  1. 將整篇活動訊息以E-MAIL轉寄,或貼在部落格、電子報、新聞台等公開形式,讓你的親朋好友們知道。(也可以利用部落格的引用喔!)
  2. 收到訊息的朋友,一方面可以再繼續傳給更多人知道,一方面則可以開始收集地址囉!
  3. 在12月15日前,將親筆手寫的卡片寄出。(若在國外,那就得再提前一點寄出卡片囉!)
  4. 最後,在2005年12月31日晚上以前,將你收到卡片的感動,或者收到的卡片內容,在跨年的夜晚與大家一起分享!

  1. 在寫地址的時候,希望大家也能用手寫哦!^^
  2. 請將活動用貼紙一併轉寄或貼在部落格、電子報、新聞台喔!

2005 Send a real X'mas! Banner

How long haven't you received and opened a handwritten card?

How long haven't you sent a handwritten greeting card to someone?

At end of year 2005 , in such a cold winter season, let's call back the memories of handwriting wishes. Send the deepest wishes to whom you want.

To: those who long for warmth

Date: from now on to 31 Dec 2005. Sure, you may continue forever......

  1. Forward this message to your friends; or you can post it on your blog, e-paper, or on your website (or just quote by your blog).
  2. Those who get this message, please forward to others, and open your address book, find someone you want to write to.
  3. Send your handwriten card before 15 Dec 2005. If you wand to send cards abroad, remember to send them early.
  4. Finally, if you get any handwritten card before 31 Dec 2005, please do not forget to share  your happiness and feeling with us on X'mas eve. You can write down your feeling or quote some phrases on your blog or website.
Award: You will get the most unforgettable, truest handwriting wishes one by one from everywhere.

PS1. Please do not PRINT the address, but WRITE it too.
PS2. Please attach the logo of activity in email or post it on your blog, website.
PS3. If you feel the English version is not so well, you can foward this message by your perfect one.

November 21, 2005

05秋季日本行(第一天) Japan Trip 05 (Day I)

在機場等我們喝完咖啡的芊Chien awaiting us to finish our coffee

We got up around 6am to catch the flight at 9am to Tokyo. I rarely got up this early since I came back to Taiwan, and the night before I was still struggling with work, so I really couldn’t feel any excitement before leaving for a “pleasure trip”…

It wasn’t Chien’s first flight. A few months ago, my brother took the chance and brought her to Macao when he went for a performance. However, because my mother started telling her that we’re going to see Dumbo, Thomas and take Shinkansen, she was actually quite excited. She was pretty good during the three-hour flight, staying quiet with the gift, the little airplane given by the airline, and also took a nap.

We arrived Narita as scheduled. However, when we saw the lines in front of the passport control, we’re more than surprised… crowds of people… It’s the same situation that I faced when I came to Tokyo last time. But it’s not until the very moment that I remembered we had to face this with a three-year-old. Well, there’s nothing we can do but join the queue. So we did.

We chatted while queuing, and also bumped into a very rude westerner that tried to get into the line. Luckily, a few minutes later there’re some good-hearted passengers telling us about the two windows dedicated to seniors and people traveling with infant. I was suspicious but still went to check. It’s real! So I went back to call my mother and sis-in-law. It was because of Chien that we could save the two-hour line of passport control. We passed shortly and went to pick up the luggage.

Getting onto the airport limousine, we finally could rest a bit. However, the mood went down with the pouring rain… I was thinking to take them to Asakusa, but we arrived the hotel at 5pm and it was too late for any sightseeing. So we took some rest and then left for food hunting.

The Hotel is close to Shinjuku station. I stayed around the very same area during my last trip to Tokyo so I know it pretty well. The rain was pouring and there’s Chien with us, so I gave up the idea to go to my favorite stand-up sushi long ago. We went into a teriyaki place. People don’t speak English and the menu is in Japanese. Luckily there’re some pictures and my mom’s Japanese is good enough to order food for us, we had a great dinner.

After we finished dining, we went to the underground shopping street for a walk. When we’re going around, a Japanese old man came up to me and asked for direction. He was looking for the JR station. I understood what he’s asking but couldn’t really answer him (because I don’t speak Japanese). So I just said “sumimasen” (I’m sorry) and he understood immediately that I’m not Japanese. He said “sorry” and went away immediately. I still can’t stop murmuring… Am I looking so much Japanese?

Because we got up early and were feeling tired, and I was about to meet up with a friend at the hotel lobby, so we went back to the hotel quite early, to prepare ourselves for the next day.

November 17, 2005

05秋季日本行(前言) Japan Trip 05 (foreword)

My mother started to plan the trip after I decided to come back for a friend’s wedding. My trip back in Taiwan was confirmed in July, but she didn’t make up her mind as to our destination until September. At the end she decided to go to Japan for five days.

However, it’s quite a different trip… because we’re taking a baby girl who is not yet three years old with us.

Her nickname is Chien-Chien. During my last trip in Taiwan, one time I was trying to make her stay back when watching tv. She wasn’t too happy about that and remembered that “gu-gu” (aunt from father’s side in Chinese) was mean to her. Some months later, one day she’s pointing at me in the photo calling me “pingu” continuously instead of “gugu”. My mother decided that she’d take the baby for a trip with me when I’ll be in Taiwan, and try to develop a more friendly relationship between the baby and me.

Since there’s a baby with us, we had to choose places suitable for the baby. So our schedule became as follows:
第一天 First Day
Taipei to Tokyo

第二天 Second Day
The Thomas Land of the Fujikyu Highland.

第三天 Third Day
Go to Tokyo Disneyland in the morning. In the late afternoon take the Shinkansen (Japanese bullet train) to Nara where my grandparents live.

第四天 Forth Day
Possibly leave the baby with grandparents and mom, and go to Kyoto with my sister-in-law.

第五天 Fifth Day
Go back to Taiwan.

Many friends envied me when they heard that I’d go to Japan again. Probably only Michele was able to imagine what I’d have to face during the trip. Even though I was prepared psychologically, I still felt unprepared when it really happened.

November 02, 2005

DD怪貓 DD the Strange Cat

DD is our first cat in Taiwan. We used to keep dog at home. When our last dog died a few years ago, my parents decided not to keep pets anymore. After all, it’s quite a troublesome thing to take care of, especially when you have to travel far away from home. So, how come there’s a DD now? Well, it’s actually the work of my brother and sister-in-law. It’s a long story as to how it finally arrived here. Let’s skip it today.

DD arrived when I was in Italy. I was told there’s a new addition at home, and it is said to be a beautiful Chinchilla cat. When I saw the photo, it seemed to be a bit weird. I think it might be a mix… Anyway it’s still a beautiful cat. So furry that makes you want to touch it. He likes to raise his long tail while walking, looking just like a noble prince.

It’s a pity that after a while, something strange started to grow behind his ears. One vet said it’s fungus infection, the other said it’s ear mite. In any case, apart from medical care the best way is to keep it clean as much as possible. DD likes to be clean(ed). Though he doesn’t like being washed, he can’t stand to be dirty. After you say two or three times “you’re smelly” he will run to the door of the bathroom, sometimes even jumps into the bathtub waiting to be washed.

It was during hot summer. DD was suffering heat, and even fighting for the air conditioner. My younger brother decided to take him for some “beauty care”… that is, shave him! Only hair around his head, on tip of the tail and on the feet was kept. It looked just like a little lion with boots. We heard that many cats hide away after shaving because they feel ashamed. To avoid this situation, we made him feel as much as possible that he’s beautiful. Though he’s not used to his new appearance, he felt pretty out of our surprise.

Without its fur, DD became happier in summer. In a short while, my younger brother also discovered that the wounds behind his ears heal much faster with short hair, and they’re much easier to be taken care of. Since then, DD is taken to be shaved periodically. Everyone is happy.

DD was taken for beauty care some days after I arrived Taiwan. Perhaps it was shaved too much this time and he keeps trembling when he comes back home. My younger brother was thinking what to do, and it came to his mind that he could dress him. And he did buy a piece of cat dress when we went out shopping today.

After we came back home, he just can’t wait to dress DD. Then we just saw DD “frozen”. He doesn’t seem to know how to deal with the situation. I think it’ll take a while for him to get used to this new stuff.