I really started to cook after I moved to Europe. When I was studying in London, due to the high living cost and the fact that I’m not used to Cantonese flavor, I was forced to start cooking.
After moving to Italy, the luxury offered by a variety of Asian restaurants is gone and I just have to start creating whatever I want to eat. At the beginning, I cooked Chinese dishes and Michele prepared Italian dishes. Some years later, my menu is getting rich. Apart from trying foreign dishes taken from various English cookbooks I’ve bought when I was in Taiwan, I started to cook Italian dishes and gradually pick up the habit to watch cooking program at noon time, like many Italian housewives.
除了新聞節目以外,我最常收看的節目大概是從九月開始每天中午播出的La Prova Del Cuoco。和藹可親的女主持人,除了介紹義大利各地的美食特產以外,每天也會動手準備幾道不太複雜的菜色。雖然和她配合的女廚師才是真正表演的人,不過因為主持人的手似乎不甚靈巧,我常笑說,就是因為這樣子,大家在看了節目以後才會想要試試看,因為連她都可以做出來的話,應該不是太困難吧!
Apart from news programs, the tv program that I watch most is “La Prova Del Cuoco” around noon time everyday, starting from September every year. The very friendly hostess of the program introduces various specialties and products in various Italian regions, and prepares some easy dishes every day. Of course, the chef is the one that cooks. However, for the reason that the hostess herself doesn’t seem to be a good cook, people would really try to prepare the dishes after they watch the program. After all, if she can do it, it shouldn’t be too difficult!
The last part of the program is a cooking competition. Two audiences are invited to participate the competition. With the chefs they will have to prepare three dishes with limited ingredients within twenty minutes. (Normally it’ll be two main dishes with a desert or one appetizer, one main dish with a desert.) Together with the juries, the audience in the live program will vote for the winner, who will receive some premium. This is my favorite part of the program. Whenever I have time and mood I’ll get a pen and my cooking note, sit in front of the TV and write down whatever interests me to be experimented afterwards.
Tonight, my kitchen is turned into a laboratory. We didn’t really know what to eat. When I was in the supermarket, I happened to see some ingredients that can be used to prepare a dish that I saw two days ago. After we finished our grocery shopping and came back home, I started cooking… It’s not even 7PM.
Ingredients as follows:
紅生菜一個(拳頭大小) one radicchio (fist size)
紅蔥頭四個 four shallots
綠葡萄一小杯 a small cup of green grapes
豬五花肉三百公克 300g of pork
白葡萄酒 white wine

Chop the shallots roughly and fry it with olive oil and low fire. When the shallots start to change color, add grape (halved and deseeded) and mix. Cook until the grape starts to soften, add radicchio. When radicchio starts to change color, add pork (chopped into thumb size) and mix. When pork turns white, add 30cc of white wine and cover. Simmer with low fire for ten minutes or so, and it’ll be ready to be served.
Although I’ve got lots of notes on my notebook, it’s the very first time that I actually tried to cook this TV recipe. It turned out to be successful and even Michele was amazed. After this successful experience, I’ll probably be more courageous to try new TV recipes.
Dear Thelma(Chef)
請問那紅蔥頭超市有賣嗎?義文怎說??說道煮這裡的菜 雖然我跟不上電視的介紹 但一般的超市 (比方說 esselunga)固定會有專刊 裡面會介紹一些簡單的義大利家常菜 我也滿常對照著做
但是做出來的成果 雖然不差 但我家老爺總是說 我做的義大利菜總是有我自己的style(和他吃過的 不盡相同....so I take that as compliment~~)
Cara Melissa,
廚房不一定要大吧 ^_^
Cara Aline,
紅蔥頭的義文是scalogno, 在超市裡通常是跟洋蔥放在同一區. 我常常會用它來代替洋蔥, 用量只要洋蔥的一半, 煮起來也不如洋蔥那麼甜.
Hi Thelma,
This sounds a lot like the English tv programme called REady Steady Cook, apart from the first part of the show where she cooks a dish. The idea about adding grapes to a dish sounds interesteing. I think I will have to try it!
Dear Karin,
I pretty much enjoy the idea to use fruit as cooking material and will always have a go. Normally they turn out to be nice. Long time ago I also tried kiwi sauce with shrimps and the combination is just amazine. See if I can dig out the recipe somewhere. :-)
Cara Bella,
是不是剛好我們講電話的時候都是Miki煮飯? 我也老被Annie抓包 :-P
不過話說回來, 其實是一半一半啦! 這一陣子忙, 很多時候都是吃快速的冷凍食物, 煮飯要有心情咩... 不過說真的, 我動手的機會比他多太多了, 也許因為我做煩了就會撥時間打掃&煮飯, 他煩的時候則是坐在電視前面打電動...唉...女人...
到現在 我還是隨便中式亂亂煮
希臘式的就等我婆婆煮好 我們去吃就好了
p.s 有好吃的食譜請多多分享喔~~因為每次為了想要煮甚麼而傷腦筋
Dear Sally,
義大利男人會煮飯的好像不在少數喔! 這大概跟國情很有關係吧?! 我家這個二十幾歲就自己出來住了, 不想餓死的話當然得學著自己煮. 其實我們兩個都把煮菜當樂趣, 不過一方面要有時間煮, 另一方面則要有身材吃才行...
Dear Lydia,
照片啊...要等到我下次再做這一道菜才會跑出來啦! 在台灣找得到料的話, 我煮給妳吃好了?! 還是妳要過來吃啊 ^_^
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