January 29, 2006
記過年 – 年夜飯 (流水帳)
這大概是我搬到義大利以來,第一次有過年的感覺吧!從起床以後忙著採買食材,回到家開始打掃整理客廳擦地板兼煮飯,原本在客廳中央被我們拿來掛吊飾的樹,被搬到了一旁,一下子客廳寬敞了許多,我還和米奇打趣到,第一次覺得「我家很大」~~~ 客廳的圓桌也被我們空出來晚上吃飯用,這還是打從我搬過來六年後第一次用那張桌子吃飯呢!
January 26, 2006
記過年 – 年糕篇
1. 紅豆兩杯洗淨,用水先泡一個小時,之後再洗過濾乾。
2. 紅豆加清水三杯煮至水乾豆熟。
3. 煮熟的紅豆兩杯,用果汁機加水300ml打碎。
4. 把打碎得紅豆汁放到大碗內,加糖並用橡皮刮刀拌勻,然後分次加入糯米粉攪拌均勻。
5. 以適當的容器,撲上錫箔紙,內層抹油後倒入4。
6. 放到電鍋裡用兩杯水蒸,電鍋蓋外緣用濕布塞好,蒸至插入牙籤不沾黏的程度,就可以拿出來放涼了。

January 24, 2006
05秋季日本行 (第三天坐新幹線到阿祖家) Japan Trip 05 (Day III Shinkansen to Great Grandpa's Home)
Around 4pm, we finally left Disneyland. We were to leave earlier so that we'd have more time to catch our train, however, Janet and I didn't waste a minute and we shopped until the last second. As a result, the following schedule became a bit tight!
There's no shuttle bus taking us back to the hotel, we had to take train and metro to get back. Chien fell asleep soon after she got onto the stroller and it actually saved us lots of trouble taking her up and down. However, I made a mistake about the time and energy needed when we took along a stroller. So when we got back to Shinjuku station, I insisted that Janet and I go back to the hotel to pick up the luggage while my mom remained close to the station with the stroller/baby. It's kind of messy at that moment but we finally made it to Tokyo station a half hour before the departure time. We even had some time for the lady's room and also got ourselves dinner.
After two hours of deep sleep, Chien woke up in the train. The Japanese JR company has publicated a cartoon figure with Shinkansen (Japanese bullet train) as theme. That's one of Chien's favorite. Japanese are really business minded that they could think to have such a cute character for the train. As a matter of fact, Chien laughs so happily every time she sees it (same for Thomas & friends). So when we're still in Taiwan, we told her that "we'll take the Shinkansen to great grandpa's home" and she's excitedly expecting the trip.
Even with the fastest Nozomi, it still takes more than 2 hours from Tokyo to Kyoto. It's not as spacious in the train that after we settled down in our seats there's no much space left due to our trolleys. I was tired and couldn't bother about the so-called "image". I put my feet on the trolley to take some rest. The trip itself is much tiring than I expected.
After a short break, we're finally ready for dinner. I always have very high expectation for lunchboxs in train stations in Japan, especially those so-called "limited editions". They're not only nice to be looked at but also taste great. Another break after savouring the lunchbox, Chien started to play with a Japanese lady behind us. She laughed so loud that I started to feel a bit embarrassed about it (because passengers around us were just soooooooooo quiet). I also gave her the Dumbo I bought in Disneyland. Not long after that, we heard the broadcast that the train's approaching Kyoto.
We got off the train. Janet especially took some photos of the train and we waited until all other passengers were gone so that we could move around easily and slowly. It's not my first time to travel by train from Tokyo to Nara. I insisted that grandpa should stay home and wait instead of coming all the way to pick us up. I just thought there wouldn't be any problem that we travel alone. Getting of the JR station, the Kintezu station is on just nearby. I went straight to the window and purchased the tickets. I was (probably) able to pronounce the name of the station correctly that everything just went smoothly.
It took around an hour from Kyoto to Koriyama. When we got off the train, we saw grandpa outside the station waiting for us. When we finally got to grandpa's home, I suddenly felt so relieved...
On the very night, I also got to know how "smart" the kid is! My cousin lives upstairs and she came down with her husband to say hi. Janet showed them the video that she shot these days and Chien even stayed beside them to sing and dance along. (Mind you it's the first time they met!) My cousin's husband was so amused, "A daughter like this is great. Why not have one!" After they're gone, I took a shower and put on my pijama. Chien put on her Dumbo headband and walked toward me. "Gugu (aunt) put on winnie, mom with minnie..." Then hand by hand we went to Great Grandma's room because "Chien wants to show her"... My grandma was just so amused and happy...

January 20, 2006

1. 紅蔥頭切末。深鍋用小火加熱奶油,待溶化後放入紅蔥頭炒香至微黃,加入大骨湯(或高湯),轉中火。
2. 馬鈴薯去皮切丁,南瓜切丁,一併放入鍋中煮到熟透(大約20分鐘)。
3. 以食物攪拌器打成漿狀,加入牛奶與適量的鹽調味,煮至將沸時熄火。
1. 一旁可以融一些巧克力待用,農湯裝盤以後在中間加入一點巧克力並用牙籤劃出花紋裝飾,既美觀又美味,入口時後味會冒出巧克力香。
2. 200毫升的牛奶可以用100毫升的牛奶和一盒double cream代替。
3. 找不到紅蔥頭也可以用洋蔥,不過因為洋蔥比較甜,和南瓜一起會有點膩。
4. 如果覺得湯不夠農稠,也可以用點玉米粉勾欠,要不就是在加入牛奶之前煮久一點。
January 16, 2006
記看牛 On Cow Watching
The event “Cow Parade” has a history of more than 15 years. I’ve been curious about it since I got to know its existence. There’re lots of question marks in my mind, and I want to know how a cowherd can invade a city. At the end of 2005, it finally arrived a reachable place – Florence. Since I got to know about the news, I made up my mind that I’d go to Florence for cow hunting.
I haven’t been so excited for a while. Actually I don’t know why I just couldn’t fall asleep, maybe because we planned to leave home around 7am, maybe because I’ve been looking forward to seeing it for such a long time. When we left home, the sky was clear with pinky blue. Even though it’s minus three degrees, my mind gradually waked up with the rising sun.

We arrived Florence before noon. However, we mistakenly evaluate the traffic in the Florence city and we happened to go during the Pitti Fashion Show. It seems to me that I’ve returned to east Taipei in traffic hour before the MRT was completed. It took us about two hours to park! What can we say? It’s us that chose to come at this time of the year.
After we finished our lunch, we went to the information center to get a map and started our cow hunting.

Basically I was disappointed by this event. One reason is because the indications as to where the cowherds are located are not very clear. So we missed more than half of the pieces (though our unstopping walk from 2-7pm only brought us through half of the collection). The other reason is through this event I saw how low people’s civil senses are. What I called “people” here is not indicated only to Italians. After all, Florence is a popular and tourist city, and most of the people in city center are foreigners. American girls jumped onto a piece to take photos, Japanese man slapped the cow butt when walking by, and almost every piece of work encountered vandalism. I was really feeling sorry about what I saw.
The event itself is not as good as I expected. It’s probably because I was expecting to see more promotion and actually “celebration” of public arts and less vandalism. Complaints apart, I still took some photos as remembrance and if you’re interested please clink on the link to visit my photo album.
Cow Parade Official Site
January 10, 2006


話說我們推著小鬼在園裡走動,遠遠看著高飛狗走了過來,小鬼嚷著要跟高飛狗照相,我們於是放慢腳步,緩緩地往高飛狗的方向移動…此時,同方向走過來的,還有幾隻鄉村熊(Country Bears),牠們走到小鬼面前看了一下,窸窸窣窣地討論了一會兒,就看牠們把小鬼的髮框拿起來,轉到另一面再幫小鬼戴回去。其實我們不是不知道小鬼戴反,不過她就愛這樣,我們也就隨她,遇上熊兒們要跟她玩,就出現了小鬼以為熊要搶玩具的畫面,也挺好玩的。


January 07, 2006
巧手傳情(下) Affection through fingers (II)
Graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia., Barbara is now an active jewelry designer. She also teaches in professional school. However, she’s also an experimental artist. Apart from accessories to be worn, she also uses unusual material to create. The “Bijoux Chocolat” and Ice Snow series (as I called it) are most representative (for me).
The eatable Bijoux Chocolat includes necklace, bracelet and ring, which is to be shared between one and his/her loved one. The first time I saw the photos of this series… chocolate melted on neck, wrist and fingers of the model, there’s a flash in my mind the intimate interaction between two lovers. Quite an affectionate and “sexy” series…
As to the Ice Snow series, it’s the latest work and an exhibition was launched in summer 2005. Created from ice and snow, I guess they’re only wearable and enjoyable in summertime. The opening was quite a busy occasion and many friends and enthusiasts were present. Lots of ice chains and snow chains were put on black marble tables. The view was quite fascinating with melted snow and ice. At the beginning we’re afraid to pick them up but dare to touch them with fingertips. Few people had the courage to try them on. After a while when the atmosphere was a bit more “hot”, Barbara brought some more new pieces from the fridge and asked us to try. In a few minutes, an ice necklace was put onto my neck. It looks really nice but honestly I could only bear it for a minute coz it was really freezing cold. In the meanwhile, the little dinosaur that she hided inside an ice block necklace on the table started to show up (coz it’s melting). I took interests to observe it for a while, and when I turned my head Barbara was busy putting another necklace onto a dog of a friend… In the hot summer night, everyone was having much fun!
Every time I go to her place, she’s always generous to bring out all her designs for me to try and enjoy. I especially like her silverwork. All pieces are unique and individual. You won’t find another piece with the same look. I once asked her, “Have you ever thought of opening your own gallery?” She told me that she wouldn’t waste her time on managing issues and trifles. She’d rather spend the time creating. Most people who want to buy or collect her works contact her either on the exhibition or through her web site and e-mail. How I hope that one day that she will find someone to promote her works and have some really great success (which means bring some money into her pocket) so that she can really concentrate on elaborating her creativity.
Click here for Barbara’s web site.
January 05, 2006
巧手傳情(上) Affection through fingers (I)
Moving to a brand new place, one’s friend circle is surely changed. Someone like me, a foreigner in a foreign place, the focus of life and friends is anyway following my husband. Michele is a musician. So most people I got to know here at the beginning are all people related to the music industry. One by one, little by little, music circle becomes art circle. I happily go around art exhibitions and activities with Michele to broaden our friend circle.
Barbara is a ring designer whom we got to know in the opening of an art exhibition. She’s actually a very good friend of Michele’s good friend. Two years ago, in the opening party of an exhibition, we’re chatting with a group of people that Barbara was included. She mentioned that she’s going to have a personal exhibition in Bassano. So some of us made an appointment and went together, which has become my very first intimate contact with Barbara and her artworks.
The first series of works I saw is Deinos. These rings seem coming from the space. Their shapes are irregular, fluid and seem to be heavy. When I picked them up, I was amazed by their lightness. The more amazing thing is, their shapes do not impede finger movement. There’s a great difference between their appearance and actual feeling one gets from touching them. The word “Deinos” comes from Greek. It means “frightening”. I used to think secretly that it’s probably because of the first impression and appearance of this series that people will feel hesitated to touch them so that Barbara has named it this way. However, I never have the courage to ask Barbara this question because I’m afraid to “sound stupid”…
看到「Deinos」的同時,我也看了不少先前個展的紀錄照與作品集,木製戒指上的超迷你仙人掌盆栽、形狀各異的彩色蠟燭戒指、靈感來自老電影幽浮魔點(The Blob)裡巨大食人果洞的塑膠戒指等,完全顛覆了我對戒指的概念。某次到芭芭拉家裡拜訪,閒聊之際得知,芭芭拉所採用的材質,都是一系列反覆試驗與深入研究的成果,她對有機材料的性質非常有興趣,喜歡天馬行空地思考,拿各種材料來實驗,書架上滿滿的材料相關專業書籍,讓我看到芭芭拉對此一主題的執著與努力,也讓我滿心期待,看她下次會變出什麼花樣來。
I saw Deinos with some photos and catalogues of previous exhibitions. Mini cactus in wooden rings, colorful candle rings, special plastic rings inspired by the cannibal jelly in the old move “The Blob”, and all of them changed my perspectives and ideas about ring design. She invited us to her place for several times. And I gradually got to know that all the materials she uses come from a series of repeating test and in-depth studies. She is much interested in organic materials, likes to think liberally and experiments with various kinds of materials. On her bookshelves there’re lots of professional publications, from which I can tell her persistence and hard working of her dreams and makes me wait for her new ideas expectantly.

Image from designe's official web site.
January 01, 2006
去年的最後一晚和今年的第一天 – 流水帳