April 29, 2006

【食驗室】松子杏桃培根天使麵Angel Hair with Pine Nuts, Apricot and Speck

Quite a long name, but clearly stated the material needed for this first dish.
It's a recipe that I saw on TV yesterday. I happened to go to the supermarket today and brought back the ingredients. We tried it tonight and it's quite nice. So I decided to write it down to share with you. (At the moment there’s no picture. I was too busy eating that I forgot to take a picture before we dined.)
兩人份材料 Ingredients for two紅蔥頭三顆 Three shallots
松子一小把 A small handful of pine nuts乾杏桃8個 Eight dry apricots煙燻培根100公克 100 gram of speck香菜少許 some parsley
芝麻菜少許 some rocket salad
帕瑪森起士30公克 30 gram of parmesan cheese天使細麵160公克 Angel Hair 160 gram
做法 Steps1.紅蔥頭切絲,用少許橄欖油爆香。
Shred shallots. Stir fry with some olive oil.2.加入搗碎的松子,中火炒兩三分鐘。
Add crunched pine nuts and stir with medium fire for two to three minutes.3.加入切細的培根略炒,之後加入泡水後切小塊的杏桃拌炒,然後加半杯水煮開。
Add shredded speck and stir for a while. Put dry apricots in hot water for some minutes and then cut to pieces. Add apricots into pots and stir for a while. Then add half cup of water and bring to boil.4.加入切碎的香菜,待汁變稠以後加入起士略煮熄火。
Add chopped parsley. Wait until the sauce become dense enough and then add cheese. Stir and then turn off fire.5.煮麵。麵熟起鍋後與醬汁小火扮炒約一分鐘,之後加入洗淨略切備用的芝麻菜拌勻,便可上桌。
Prepare pasta. When pasta is cooked, mix pasta with sauce and cook for one minute. Prepare rocket salad aside, washed and roughly chopped. Mix rocket salad into pasta and it’s ready to be served.


Anonymous said...


我也常有那種東西吃到一半 才想到忘記拍照的經驗.....

又有新工作進來了 不錯不錯:)))

Karin said...

Apricots and parsley? I'll have to try it!

Warm warm summer here...