December 21, 2004
Something about my life in Italy: Pomegranate in the backyard 後院的石榴樹
December 19, 2004
這幾天在某版討論區上,又看到網友貼上了94年普立茲新聞特寫攝影獎得主凱文卡特(Kevin Carter)那張瀕死女童的照片與討論,讓我多愁善感了起來…又回想到今年在台灣看完世界新聞攝影展的感想…
踏進明亮的展場,就因為眼前所見的各種影像而心感震懾,兩百多張照片中,一半以上所呈現的,是世界的黑暗面,映入眼中各種戰亂、病痛等的照片,配合著場內不停重複播放的「Amazing Grace」一曲,乍看之下讓人感到諷刺,心中情緒激昂,眼淚竟然就這麼奪眶而出,連逛到後半段主題較為輕鬆的部分,竟也無心觀賞,只因透過這些記者的眼睛所看到的世界感到悲傷。
December 18, 2004
Shepherd and Sheep
December 11, 2004
改變的年代--持續性的革新: 第九屆威尼斯建築雙年展評論 (原載於藝術家雜誌2004年10月號)
Taiwan Pavilion in Venice Biennale 2004
以「蛻變」﹙METAMORPH﹚為主題的第九屆威尼斯建築雙年展,在著名瑞士籍建築師科特˙福斯特(Kurt W. Forster)的策展領導之下,於九月九日盛大開幕。威尼斯的雙年展,向來都是義國文化界的盛事,自九月以來,各種藝文雜誌報導便陸續發稿出版,逐漸替雙年展暖身,在開幕以後,更是獲得各大報文化版的青睞,紛紛以專題方式詳盡地報導有關本次建築雙年展的開幕絮語。
福斯特希望觀眾能以開放的態度來觀展,隨時準備迎接不同的展覽手法與刺激。整體展覽中,並沒有預先設計的參觀路線,在手法上也盡量避免平面呈現,採用立體模性與實體架構的方式。部分的展示,目的在於顯示出建築師改變整體景觀的能力。例如<超計畫>展示區域內,馬力歐˙貝里尼為義大利杜林市設計的文化中心、庫柏˙辛門布勞為法國里昂所設計的Mus?e des Confluences、美國建築師事務所Morphosis所設計的紐約奧運村等,都能戲劇性地改變整體區域的景觀。本次展覽採用了比以往更為豐富的媒介方式作為詮釋手法,目的是要盡可能地讓觀眾理解各個專案,促成觀眾的具體印象,避免此類展示流於模糊抽象的通病,這也是他在展示中之所以《回顧》部分建築史之故,藉此達到一種「與現實的連結」。
得獎名單,則是眾所矚目的另一個焦點。在宣布今年的終生成就獎花落誰家之前,就已經有許多媒體預測,這個獎會落入彼得˙艾森曼﹙Peter Eiseman﹚的手中。評審團揭曉得獎名單以後,各大媒體爭相引用評審團的評論,表示「艾森曼是建築界偉大的思想家,其先知卓見持續引導業界向前邁進…艾森曼本身就是傑出的建築家,豐富的創造力與發明,絕對可被視為建築界在第三個千禧年的導師…」艾氏的得獎,可說是眾望所歸。被獲選為國家館最佳裝置的比利時館,以題為「金夏沙:︰意象城市」﹙Kinshasa, The Imaginary City﹚的展示,以前瞻性的視野,「呈現出傳統策略與典型建築方法並不一定是最佳的解決方式,提出認同、社會與硬體等層面都在經歷形變的概念,與事者必須予以新的定義,發展新的解決之道」,出乎意料地獲得評審團的青睞。
從開幕到正式開放給民眾參觀之間的三天,開放各家媒體先行入場一覽,義國的全國性報紙媒體《Il Gazzettino》邀請義籍建築師法蘭西斯可˙達科針對整個建築雙年展表達其個人看法。達科特別針對位在軍火庫Corderie的主題展提出見解,他以為:「…長達三百多公尺的展示空間裡,可說集合了各國、各年齡層建築師的作品,大多是非常知名或極具創新性質的建築設計…這些充斥著聚合線、曲線型、格網的自由形作品,似乎歌頌著建築世界的多樣性、持續性的革新、以及各種令人詫異、驚喜的設計,然而將這些作品全部放在一個長達三百多公尺的空間一同展示,似乎無法產生加值的效果,因為作品的相似性質,讓整個展區不停地重複著相同的語言,反而無法顯示出個別設計的特質,互相遮蓋了彼此的光芒…倘若將日本館以<御宅族>為主題的展示,和軍火庫Corderie的主題展放在一起看,後者所展示的各項作品,以某種角度而言,似乎可以被視為日本〝御宅族〞文化的產物…。」
December 02, 2004
Something about Mimi
Whoever keeps pets at home will have to experience stages like “getting old”, “getting sick” and “eventual death”.
Why didn’t I produce (or write) too many new articles during this period? Well… partly it’s because I am quite busy with work. However, the fact is… I’ve been keeping myself busy enough so that I don’t have time to think about too many sad happenings around me and get upset.
It has been a gray year for me. A friend lost her husband for cancer, another friend’s parents both got different kind of cancer, another friend passed away for undiscovered heart problem, and one of the four “beasts” at home is also suffering for tumor and actually doesn’t have too much to live.
Mimi is my least favored among the four cats at home. But she is the most “cattish” cat among the four. The vet announced that Mimi got an aggressive tumor in the brain in later summer. Since then, we take her to the vet for injection every four to five days. Time passes by while her condition is getting worse. Her face gradually deforms, and we started to have a really bad smell at home. Euthanasia? If one sees her strong will to survive, I believe that he/she wouldn’t really decide for her. So we just try to endure all the inconveniences, until the day when she decides herself.
From sympathy to spoiling, she is getting even more demanding and stubborn. Sip by sip, she drinks the special milk for kittens. She insists that you have to stay beside when she eats. She likes to stay warm in Michele’s arm, and climb onto Michele’s shoulder to stay high when we eat. All the behaviors that I couldn’t bear in the past become bearable because I know she won’t be with us for long. It’s been some years since I moved here. Even though she’s not my favorite, I think I will still shed my tear when she’s gone.
November 01, 2004
Something about my life in Italy - Gelato
搬到義大利這個美食天堂,僅僅四年的光景,然而我在周遭朋友的耳濡目染之下,一張嘴越來越難伺候,義大利麵一定要煮成有咬勁的al dente,義式燉飯要用carnaroli的米來煮才夠味,咖啡非得要用從威尼斯老店買回家的特選阿拉比卡種原豆,就連吃個冰淇淋,都得是傳統方法做出來的原汁原味。
Time flies. I've moved to Italy for four years. With all the "bad" influences I've had around, my appetite is getting more and more difficult. Pasta has to be cooked "al dente", risotto has to be prepared with carnaroli rice, coffee has to be the "sposa dell' arabica" from my favorite cafe' in Venice, and ice cream has to be the ones that are made with artisan ways.
All these years we've been tasting all the possible ice cream shops wherever we go. After all the tests, "L'Angolo del Gelato" is my No.1 regarding ice creams. Every week, we drive about 20 minutes to get to the shop, just to taste the variety of ice creams that Marine makes. A mixed couple like us is still rare in Vicenza. Friendly and enthusiastic as Marine and her husband Graziano are, we soon become more and more familier with each other, from just acquaintance into close friends.
The most important "property" of the shop is Marine and her hands. Her ice creams are combinations of inspiration in life and creative experiments. She enjoys cooking and watching various gourmet programs, and looks for clues and inspiration from everyday life. Every time when new flavor appears in the shop, it's time for a quiz. Some are obvious and easy to guess, and some are just difficult that you don't have a clue from the name. The only way to know is to taste it so that we can try to understand what she addes inside this time. For this reason, there are many "specialties" in her shop, something that you won't find in other places. Seasonal fruits, liquors, cakes and cookies all become mouth-melting ice cream. It's quite a popular place and people always come here to look for something special.
The funny thing is, Marine is not very found of sweete, neither ice creams. When she was young, she didn't ask for ice creams like other children and even made her mom worry that Marine didn't have enough pocket money to get an ice cream she would like to have. One time, Marine told us the story regarding where the idea of an ice cream shop came from. Six years ago, Marine went to Milan with Graziano to visit a relative who just opened a popular ice cream shop in Milan. Trying not to embarrass her relative, Marine tasted the ice cream in his shop even if she doesn't like it. She tried the classic "panna cotta" and was surprisingly touched by the texture, material and quality of the ice cream. After she came back to Vicenza, she couldn't find anything that could bring her that special sensation, and decided to bring this No.1 ice cream in her mind back to where she lives.
When friends come for a visit, we always take them to Marine's shop to taste our favorite ice cream, and it's always appreciated. When Marine and Graziano got to know that I'd use their shop as the topic of my article for the magazine, they excitingly said that if someone brings a copy of the magazine with the article to the shop, she/he would receive 50% discount no matter how much she/he spends. If you come to Vicenza, bring a copy of the article (on the magazine) to the L'Angolo del Gelato", you'd definitely receive a warm welcome and hug from Marine and Graziano.
This article was originally published in the ARCH magazine (2004 Nov. issue) in Taiwan.
October 19, 2004
Fighting with Palu
When it starts to get colder, the war with Palu starts.
Palu is the loveliest cat at home. He’s got respiratory problem since young. After entering autumn, asthma and sneezing become common stories. When it’s getting worse, we’ll always have to try to give him some medicine.
He’s got a very difficult personality when he takes his medicine, and sometimes it’s quite difficult to handle. He used to take his medicine with a small spoon. One day, he decided that he doesn’t want it any more, and Michele has to put the creamy medicine on his finger for Palu to lick. Once in a while, he’ll have to follow Palu all around the house and beg him to take his medicine. Cats are like kids.
A couple days ago, Palu decided that Michele’s finger is not good any more, and just didn’t want his medicine no matter how we begged him. With anger, Michele grabbed his front paw and buttered the cream on his paw. Normally, cats can not stand dirty paws and will do anything to clean themselves. Stubborn as Palu is, he was running around the house, swinging and shaking so hard to get rid of the cream on the paw. No matter what, he didn’t want to lick his paw in front of us. We got so angry with him that we shut him outside our room in the night. He was beside our door the whole night, scratched the door and sneezed once in a while, and made it difficult for us to sleep. We didn’t surrender and keep the door shut until morning.
The next morning, he arrived the bathroom once he heard Michele moving. Michele picked him up according to his request. Guess what?! He sneezed on Michele’s face and ran away immediately. I guess this war between human and cat will go on for a while…at least until the arrival of spring.
October 14, 2004
Missing hot spring in Taiwan
After I moved abroad, the missing feelings about Taiwan not only direct toward family, friends and good food, I especially miss the luxury thermal spring that is so easily found there.
Autumn arrived fairly early this year. It’s only mid-October, sometimes the temperature during the night is down to 7~8 degrees. At such a cold night, a nice bath is such an enjoyment.
Everyday, before I start working, it’s a routine to check my mailboxes, visit some friends’ sites, browse through some favorite sites, and review some photos in my computer. Looking at the gray sky outside the window and then the heavy sweater that I normally use in winter, the viewing of the photos that were taken during a trip for hot thermal spring with friends in the springtime warms my heart. Spending a little money for luxurious enjoyment, you’d have a big bathtub with rose petals afloat. It is in Taiwan that you’d find such convenience with little cost and short distance.
Maybe, when I go back to Taiwan at the end of the year, I’ll try to go for another trip like that. Just the thought of it warms me up…
October 04, 2004
Something about my life in Italy – Coffee
my "caffettiera napoletana"
Late morning, coffee smell from the kitchen, a big mug of cappuccino with some brioche or cookies, cats stretching under the sun on the windowsill, my day begins with the smell of coffee and milk. The coffee maker I’m using at home is not the moka or espresso machine that most Taiwanese are familiar with. It is a kind of coffee maker that I got to know after I moved to Italy. A “caffettiera napoletana” (Napoli style coffee maker) that I discovered in a tiny shop for kitchen utensils. To put it simple, it makes filter coffee, though the look and the preparation is slightly different. Besides, it makes stronger coffee than normal filter cups or machine. The quantity of espresso can not satisfy my “need” for caffeine, the “water-like” American coffee lacks some nice smell, and I am too lazy to turn on the fire to use moka in the morning. The Napoletana is the easiest way in the morning. Fill up the filter and then pour in boiling water from the kettle, I can read my magazines when I wait for my coffee, my brain starts to wake up along with the coffee smell that gradually fills up the whole kitchen.
Coffee in Italy can be breakfast, short break in the day, and helper for digestion after meal. A break from work or some rest during shopping can be espresso in the resting area or in the bar. It is always busy in the bar. One walks in the bar, orders the coffee, stands beside and waits. It is almost “musical” the way the bartender prepares the coffee. Within minutes, a nice espresso is ready. The culture of drinking coffee in Italy is different than that in Taiwan. Drinking a cup of espresso is something within minutes, and it’s not something or some place that you can spend the whole afternoon. It doesn’t take much time for a cup of coffee, and the price is “amazingly” cheap for those who do not live in Italy. An espresso is about 0.8 euro while a cappuccino is about 1.2 euro. No wonder coffee is the “national drink” in Italy.
義大利人喝咖啡的花樣,也是多到令人咋舌。除了濃縮咖啡(espresso)、雙份濃縮咖啡(double espresso)、卡普奇諾(cappuccino)以外,還有著各式各樣的變化,加上一匙奶泡的馬其朵(macchiato)、放上一坨發泡鮮奶油的康保藍(con panna)、近幾年來時興的美式咖啡(americano或lungo)、或是摻入烈酒的克雷多(corretto)等,都是義大利人喝咖啡的名堂。其中,克雷多這種喝法,我還真是到了義鄉以後才首次嘗試。可以加在咖啡裡的烈酒種類繁多,也讓克雷多成了千面女郎,有著各種迷人的風貌,而最受我所喜愛者,非加入餐後酒渣釀白蘭地者莫屬,風味濃烈而直接的酒香配上威尼斯老咖啡店特選烘培、口感溫順的咖啡,在酒足飯飽之際,可謂一大享受。
There are many ways Italians consume coffee. Apart from espresso, double espresso and cappuccino, there are some other variations like “macchiato” with a bit milk foam, “con panna” with whipped cream, “americano” or “lungo” with more water, and “corretto” with a drop of liquor. I only got to know “corretto” after I came to Italy. There are many different kinds of liquor that can be added into espresso, and it creates the charming variations of it. I especially like to have it with a drop of grappa. It’s such an enjoyment to have an espresso that is prepared by my favorite coffee from Venice with a drop of prestigious grappa after meal.
Coffee can not be separated from Italian life. It gradually “melts” into my life in Italy along with Italians.
Late morning, coffee smell from the kitchen, a big mug of cappuccino with some brioche or cookies, cats stretching under the sun on the windowsill, my day begins with the smell of coffee and milk. The coffee maker I’m using at home is not the moka or espresso machine that most Taiwanese are familiar with. It is a kind of coffee maker that I got to know after I moved to Italy. A “caffettiera napoletana” (Napoli style coffee maker) that I discovered in a tiny shop for kitchen utensils. To put it simple, it makes filter coffee, though the look and the preparation is slightly different. Besides, it makes stronger coffee than normal filter cups or machine. The quantity of espresso can not satisfy my “need” for caffeine, the “water-like” American coffee lacks some nice smell, and I am too lazy to turn on the fire to use moka in the morning. The Napoletana is the easiest way in the morning. Fill up the filter and then pour in boiling water from the kettle, I can read my magazines when I wait for my coffee, my brain starts to wake up along with the coffee smell that gradually fills up the whole kitchen.
Coffee in Italy can be breakfast, short break in the day, and helper for digestion after meal. A break from work or some rest during shopping can be espresso in the resting area or in the bar. It is always busy in the bar. One walks in the bar, orders the coffee, stands beside and waits. It is almost “musical” the way the bartender prepares the coffee. Within minutes, a nice espresso is ready. The culture of drinking coffee in Italy is different than that in Taiwan. Drinking a cup of espresso is something within minutes, and it’s not something or some place that you can spend the whole afternoon. It doesn’t take much time for a cup of coffee, and the price is “amazingly” cheap for those who do not live in Italy. An espresso is about 0.8 euro while a cappuccino is about 1.2 euro. No wonder coffee is the “national drink” in Italy.
義大利人喝咖啡的花樣,也是多到令人咋舌。除了濃縮咖啡(espresso)、雙份濃縮咖啡(double espresso)、卡普奇諾(cappuccino)以外,還有著各式各樣的變化,加上一匙奶泡的馬其朵(macchiato)、放上一坨發泡鮮奶油的康保藍(con panna)、近幾年來時興的美式咖啡(americano或lungo)、或是摻入烈酒的克雷多(corretto)等,都是義大利人喝咖啡的名堂。其中,克雷多這種喝法,我還真是到了義鄉以後才首次嘗試。可以加在咖啡裡的烈酒種類繁多,也讓克雷多成了千面女郎,有著各種迷人的風貌,而最受我所喜愛者,非加入餐後酒渣釀白蘭地者莫屬,風味濃烈而直接的酒香配上威尼斯老咖啡店特選烘培、口感溫順的咖啡,在酒足飯飽之際,可謂一大享受。
There are many ways Italians consume coffee. Apart from espresso, double espresso and cappuccino, there are some other variations like “macchiato” with a bit milk foam, “con panna” with whipped cream, “americano” or “lungo” with more water, and “corretto” with a drop of liquor. I only got to know “corretto” after I came to Italy. There are many different kinds of liquor that can be added into espresso, and it creates the charming variations of it. I especially like to have it with a drop of grappa. It’s such an enjoyment to have an espresso that is prepared by my favorite coffee from Venice with a drop of prestigious grappa after meal.
Coffee can not be separated from Italian life. It gradually “melts” into my life in Italy along with Italians.
October 02, 2004
About Tattoo with Chinese Characters
I’ve just read an article describing the phenomenon that some westerners like to put various tattoos of Chinese characters on their own bodies. That inspires me to put down some thoughts about what I feel and what I’ve seen.
After I moved to Europe, I’ve discovered that “Chinese flavor” is becoming widely diffused, including tattoos of Chinese or Japanese characters that some people like to put on their clothes or their own skin. I’ve seen too many funny examples, and since then I’m always telling my friends not to make such decision before thorough consideration, so they won’t become “jokes” themselves without knowing it.
It’s my habit to look around when I walk on the street, and I can always get some fun out of it. The tattoos of Chinese characters are always related to Chinese zodiac, names or some though-to-be cool phrases. I am quite used to receive requests from foreign friends, asking to write down their names in Chinese characters. However, I still cannot understand why some people want to use them as “pictures” for tattoos.
One time, I was looking around on the street as I always did. There’s a woman with a big Chinese character of “chicken” on her arm. I didn’t really think too much about it, but just felt a bit strange. It’s not until today when I read the article on another web site that I realized that this character also carries another “special” meaning. That woman was probably putting her own Chinese zodiac as a tattoo, not knowing it can also refer to “prostitute” in the Chinese language.
My Italian friends are always careful after I explained to them about tattoos with Chinese characters. Many of them actually ask me about whatsoever pictures or paintings they have at home, or the tattoos they see with their friends. This summer, I received a picture in my mailbox, asking about the meaning of a tattoo on the foot of a female friend. I opened the file, and then started laughing like crazy. The phrase “paradise” is composed of two Chinese characters. On the very first character, the stroke is not supposed to project out, but it did… The meaning of the phrase totally changed, if I had to give it a meaning. On the road to the heaven, she slipped by accident and was turned to “some place for men to have fun with”?
To all my foreign friends, you should really be careful if you want to make a tattoo with Chinese characters!
September 30, 2004
Some Account of Biennale di Venezia 2004
An installation in the Italian Pavilion.
For some strange reasons, I’ve got the request to write an article about the Biennale di Venezia for a Taiwanese magazine. Not knowing too much about architecture, I’ve collected newspaper cuttings for some days to have a broad picture about the view and opinion from the Italian media. Within a week, I was able to complete a decent article. Due to this reason, I’ve got some ideas about the Biennale at the beginning of the exhibition and decided to go take a look in Venice.
A beautiful Sunday morning, we went to Venice to visit the exhibition with two friends. When we arrived the Giardini, it’s almost noontime. After collecting our tickets and entered the Giardini, we started visiting pavilions of all participating countries from the Spanish Pavilion.
花了一個下午,我們只大略瀏覽了綠園城堡,根本就來不及去另一個展場軍火庫看看。綠園城堡區內的國家館,給了我很奇怪的印象,由於事先就已經注意到媒體評論以及得獎名單,我對幾個受到好評的展示區特別多看了兩眼,卻讓我大失所望。整體而言,在這次建築雙年展中,裝置藝術與建築的界線並不是那麼明顯,在義大利館內尤其如此,其他幾個較受好評的館,包括英國、德國、日本、還有得獎的比利時等,只有英國與德國有讓人眼睛一亮的感覺,尤其是英國館內有關Dublin Spike的架設過程,更是讓我大開眼界。某位評論家所大力推薦的日本館,以御宅族為主題,在我眼中,不過是西方社會對於日本文化的好奇心驅策下的產物,這與建築有啥顯而易見的關聯,我到現在仍然百思不解。
We took the whole afternoon visiting the Giardini. To get to the Arsenale was just impossible. The overall impression I got from the Giardini is quite strange. Having read some criticisms in advance, I paid some extra attention of the areas that received positive comments. However, it’s such a big disappointment to me. It seems to me that the boundary between installation art and architecture is diminishing, and it’s especially obvious in the Italian pavilion. Other pavilions that are highly praised include UK, Germany, Japan and Belgium. However, only the British pavilion impressed me, especially for the video about the construction of the Dublin Spike. In my opinion, the Japanese pavilion with its exhibition about the Otakus that was highly recommended by some critics is only a curiosity that was born due to the western curiosity to the Japanese culture. The link between the exhibition and architecture is not so obvious and I’m still wondering about it even now.
In the experts’ eyes, this is “The Biennale” that one shouldn’t miss. After visiting the Giardini that is said to be better in sense of exhibition, I’m more curious to judge the Arsenale area with my own eyes.
For some strange reasons, I’ve got the request to write an article about the Biennale di Venezia for a Taiwanese magazine. Not knowing too much about architecture, I’ve collected newspaper cuttings for some days to have a broad picture about the view and opinion from the Italian media. Within a week, I was able to complete a decent article. Due to this reason, I’ve got some ideas about the Biennale at the beginning of the exhibition and decided to go take a look in Venice.
A beautiful Sunday morning, we went to Venice to visit the exhibition with two friends. When we arrived the Giardini, it’s almost noontime. After collecting our tickets and entered the Giardini, we started visiting pavilions of all participating countries from the Spanish Pavilion.
花了一個下午,我們只大略瀏覽了綠園城堡,根本就來不及去另一個展場軍火庫看看。綠園城堡區內的國家館,給了我很奇怪的印象,由於事先就已經注意到媒體評論以及得獎名單,我對幾個受到好評的展示區特別多看了兩眼,卻讓我大失所望。整體而言,在這次建築雙年展中,裝置藝術與建築的界線並不是那麼明顯,在義大利館內尤其如此,其他幾個較受好評的館,包括英國、德國、日本、還有得獎的比利時等,只有英國與德國有讓人眼睛一亮的感覺,尤其是英國館內有關Dublin Spike的架設過程,更是讓我大開眼界。某位評論家所大力推薦的日本館,以御宅族為主題,在我眼中,不過是西方社會對於日本文化的好奇心驅策下的產物,這與建築有啥顯而易見的關聯,我到現在仍然百思不解。
We took the whole afternoon visiting the Giardini. To get to the Arsenale was just impossible. The overall impression I got from the Giardini is quite strange. Having read some criticisms in advance, I paid some extra attention of the areas that received positive comments. However, it’s such a big disappointment to me. It seems to me that the boundary between installation art and architecture is diminishing, and it’s especially obvious in the Italian pavilion. Other pavilions that are highly praised include UK, Germany, Japan and Belgium. However, only the British pavilion impressed me, especially for the video about the construction of the Dublin Spike. In my opinion, the Japanese pavilion with its exhibition about the Otakus that was highly recommended by some critics is only a curiosity that was born due to the western curiosity to the Japanese culture. The link between the exhibition and architecture is not so obvious and I’m still wondering about it even now.
In the experts’ eyes, this is “The Biennale” that one shouldn’t miss. After visiting the Giardini that is said to be better in sense of exhibition, I’m more curious to judge the Arsenale area with my own eyes.
September 24, 2004
A Painter Who Paints Jazz
Mirca, her husband Mauro and my husband were high school classmates. They were one of the few people that I got to know during my first visit to Italy. With their special family story, I was deeply impressed at the first time we met. After I moved to Italy, we sometime go visiting them and I got to know that Mirca is a painter. The particular paintings I saw in Mauro’s shop are actually her art works.
There’s an opening ceremony of Mirca’s exhibition tonight. The place used to be a church and now serves as a place for artistic exhibition. We arrived on time at 6PM. and there’re already many visitors. After we greeted Mirca, we started to make a short tour of all the works, until the organizer was ready to give a talk.
I can feel another self of Mirca from her paintings. It’s not the same person that I see normally. It’s someone of profound character. This is the second time I attended her exhibition. There’s always a special feeling when I saw her works, but I just couldn’t find the right thing and right word to explain my feelings. Tonight, when the organizer was giving his speech at the center of the exhibition hall, he mentioned jazz. At that very moment, there’s a “!” in my mind. That’s it! Yes, Mirca’s paintings are like jazz music to me, sometimes deep, sometimes light, but with strong messages.
I don’t know much about paintings. I was even against the idea to go to art galleries, because I felt I didn’t belong. After I moved to Italy, probably due to the “air”, I started to change. Now I’d even enjoy it. It’s actually quite fun to go see paintings.
September 23, 2004
Mom's Visit - Walking in the Fishermen Island
Though the island itself has become a popular tourist attraction, there are still some fishermen who live a simple life on this tiny small place. The antique and rustic atmosphere makes it my favorite among all places I’ve visited around Lago Maggiore. Walking through the narrow alley with stone pavement and enjoying the relaxed air about it, time seemed to have frozen in this old village on the lake.
Mom's Visit - Isola dei Pescatori
Time flied so fast when we were chatting and enjoying the landscape. It seemed that we arrived the Fisherman Island (Isola dei Pescatori) within short time, but in reality it took us more than an hour for the trip. It’s still early for lunch. So we decided to walk around on the isle.
September 22, 2004
Mom's Visit - Lago Maggiore
When the weather is nice, the landscape is especially beautiful around the lakeside.
We decided to go to Lago Maggiore at northwest of Milan during the weekend, so we could ask Luca, my husband’s best friend, to take us for a boat ride on the lake. However, the weather turned windy on Friday night. The north wind brought down the temperature. It’s strange enough that the temperature was only 15℃ in the hot summer night. In the next morning, it’s still quite wavy on the lake and made it impossible to go out with smaller boat. Luckily, we could still choose to take the cruise to travel among the isles. At that moment, it’s the only way if we wanted to visit Isola dei Pescatori and Isola Bella.
Sitting on the big cruise and looking outward, there’re lots of sailing boats taking the chance for a nice ride. With the reflection of sunlight, the whole lake seemed so busy.
September 20, 2004
Mom's Visit - Arena di Verona
When I got married in 2001, my mom brought a group of relatives to come and participate my wedding. Because she needed to help me with the preparation, she couldn’t join the group to see the opera in Verona on the night before the wedding. It was one of the many regrets of the trip. This time, we definitely wanted to take her to the opera and experience the famous opera season in Verona.
To avoid the long queue under the sun, we bought the tickets with assigned seats. To enjoy this privilege, we did pay some money for it and altogether it’s about 200 Euro. If I go to Verona for the opera with my husband, we always buy the cheapest tickets, spending some more time on the queue. To save some energy, we decided to pay the expensive price. Therefore, I could only leave my husband at home and go with my mom alone, to save some money. It is not until we decided to do this that I know my husband is so confident about my Italian and he wouldn’t mind I go around by myself any more.
We had a simple dinner, only a sandwich and a bottle of mineral water. It’s about 9PM. To be honest, it was the very first time for me to arrive the venue just before the performance started. In the past, we always arrived around 5PM to join the queue and wait until the hour when the performance began. After a couple hours sitting on the hard stone seat, it’s giving me backache and my butt was numb. It’s the first time I could comfortably enjoy the opera.
We followed the service personnel to our seats. I was worried because we booked the ticket through the net and couldn’t choose the seats with the system. It proved that the organizer did according to their promise and assigned the seats with a “first come first serve” basis. Our seats were just at the center, beside the red carpet for the VIPs. At least I didn’t spend the money for nothing.
Before the performance started, a guy went up to the stage with a big gong and announced three times. After that, the light went off gradually. The organizer invited the audience to light up candles according to the tradition of Arena di Verona. Suddenly, spots of candlelight filled up the space, creating a very romantic atmosphere.
September 18, 2004
Mom's Visit: Vicenza
"I've come here for several times... but I've never visited the city where you live." Mom said. Well, Vicenza is actually a good place to visit, but for various reasons I just couldn't find the time to take my mom around during her last two visits. She's finally staying a bit longer this time, so we picked a nice afternoon to visit the historic center of Vicenza.
維琴察除了每年有三次義大利最著名的黃金飾品展以外,也是建築人朝聖地之一,原因無他,就是為了十六世紀著名的建築大師帕拉底歐的作品,因此,許多建築人常常會到維琴察來個帕拉底歐之旅,仔細地參觀各座出於大師之手的豪華宅邸。在維琴察的市中心,必訪之處有二,一是到主廣場Piazza dei Signori看Basilica Palladiana,二則是Teatro Olympico,都是大師之作。事實上,維琴察又有帕拉底歐之城的美名,整個市中心也因為大師留下來的重要作品,被聯合國列入世界遺產名錄之中。
Every year, three major gold fairs are held in Vicenza. However, Vicenza is not only famous for the gold industry, it is also a pilgrimage place for architects due to Palladian villas of the 16th century. Many architects come to see the grand villas designed by Palladio. There are two must-go in Vicenza center. One is the Basilica Palladiana in the main square Piazza dei Signori. The other is Teatro Olympico at one side of the major street Corso Palladio. Both sites were important works that Palladio left behind. Vicenza actually enters the World Heritage List for its richness of Palladian works.
We had an early lunch. My husband sent us to the center. The time was just right for visiting the theater and museum, and then for some shopping. August is time for vacation and many cities are actually empty. In less touristic places, some shops are closed for vacation. It is a good time to visit Italy for those who do not enjoy crowds but can endure hot weather.
September 17, 2004
Mom's Visit: Venezia
"It's the third time you visit your dayghter in Italy. Are you still going to Venice?" Dad asked.
Of course!! It's impossible to be tired of the every changing beauty of Venice. Also, the previous two visits were in such a hurry that my mom didn't really get to see some tourist attractions. After all, it's just an hour of train. So why didn't we go?
My mom and I decided to go without the company of my husband, so he could finally enjoy a Chinese-free day. I go to Venice pretty often, but to tell the truth, I still can't remember any name of the streets. All the time, I follow my sense of direction to arrive the San Marco Square. "Why didn't you take me to the shop where I bought glass pendants last time?" My mom asked. No until that moment I didn't realize that I've turned at the wrong corner again. It's impossible to go backward just for that single shop. So we started to wander around, and followed the indication for San Marco Square. When we saw the San Marco Church, it's already time for lunch. We then decided to find a place for some light snack.
用餐完畢,一到總督府(Palazzo Ducale)前面,我們兩就傻了眼,大排長龍的隊伍,讓人看了有點心慌,不知是否應該加入行列…「下次人少一點再進去,既然以後還有機會,就等著下次和老爹一起看吧!」
After we finished our meal, we went to Pallazo Ducale and saw a very long line in front of the entrance. I was a bit worried, not knowing if we should join the queue or not. "We can wait for another occasion. In any case, I will still come here to visit you. We can wait until your dad come next time."
Summer... is not a good time to visit Venice.
September 10, 2004
Mom's Visit: Marostica
Mom's Visit: Matostica
September 05, 2004
Mom's Visit: a short trip
July 03, 2004
A Sweet Surprise from Cologne
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