Before I moved to Italy, my impression on figs was “the chestnut size wrinkled little fruit with light brown color”. The peculiar texture and taste made it one of my favorite snacks in Chinese New Year.
Many of my impressions have been overthrown after I moved to Italy. Fig is just one of the many examples. I still remember the first summer after I arrived. I saw the light green deep purple color fruit in the supermarket. It’s about a ping-pong ball’s size. I wondered what it could be but couldn’t figure out by myself. So I asked Michele… It’s fig!! I’ve never seen a fresh fig in my life, so it has become one of the “news” for me. I just couldn’t wait to taste it! After we arrived home, I opened it and saw the white seeds with light red pulp. It looked disgusting… coz it reminded me one of the scene in the movie “Alien”. I just couldn’t bear the idea to have a bite… but seeing Michele eating one by one satisfactorily, I just had to try. And I did. It tasted good, not too acid/sour and not too sweet. However, its appearance just kills every single appetite I have. Even today, whenever I eat it, I still have to think for a while, close my eyes and then give it a bite.
昨天下午,我和米奇好不容易有點時間去整理花園,把花園裡破掉的、不要的花盆給處理掉。因為受不了蚊子猛烈的攻勢,我早早跑進屋裡,留米奇一個人在花園裡搬東搬西。約莫半小時以後,米奇捧著一盤無花果走了進來,說是鄰居花園裡種的,今年果子長得好,分一些給我們吃。 Yesterday afternoon, Michele and I finally had some time to go and clean the garden, trying to throw away some broken and unwanted pots. I couldn’t bear the attacks of the mosquitoes, so I ran indoors after a while and left Michele alone in the garden to finish the work. Half-hour later, he came inside with a dish of figs. It’s grown in our neighbor’s garden. They’ve got quite some harvest and would like to share some with us.
Michele went to the recycle center after he brought in the figs. I looked at them and counted roughly. There’re more or less twenty of them. I couldn’t wait until Michele’s return and tasted one secretly. It’s good, much better than what we’ve bought in the market some weeks ago. In the mean while, I also started to think what I could do with them…
After dinner, Michele took out the figs. Basically, figs can be eaten without peeling. But we’re too lazy to wash them, and they were too ripen to be washed… So we decided to peel it. I peeled one and started to eat. Michele said, ‘you don’t open it and see if there’s any bug inside?’ I was about to spit it out of my mouth… it reminded me the ecology experiment I did in university, counting the little bugs in the fruits of the small-fruited fig tree… it’s so disgusting…
When I came back to myself, there’re only six figs left in the dish… I guess they can’t really wait until I make them into cake or jam…
我最討厭蟲子, 為了實驗硬著頭皮動手,
嗯 讓我想起有點像釋迦的樣子 我姐姐有類似的經驗 從此以後再也不敢碰了~~~
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