August 16, 2005

【食驗室】自製番茄糊 Home-made Passata

At the first few years after I moved to Italy, when it came to summer my in-laws were always requesting their children to go back home to help making passata (tomato concentrate) for the year’s reserve. Michele and I were not the ones to go, for the reason that our working time weren’t (and still aren’t) stable and I had never done something like this before. Others were in their summer vacation and had some time to spare. So up to now Michele and I are always the one to help consuming, waiting for my in-law’s call to go and pick-up ten bottles or so.

聽米奇說,這種自製蕃茄糊,是南方人的習慣。南部是蕃茄的重要產區,之所以在夏天製作番茄糊,主要是因為七月到九月是聖馬爾札諾(San Marzano)番茄的盛產期,這種果實瘦長、如成人手指四至五倍粗的番茄品種,最適合拿來製作番茄糊。雖說任何品種的番茄,只要長熟了都可以拿來做番茄糊,不過用聖馬爾札諾番茄製作的番茄糊,口感鮮美味濃,酸度較低又不會太甜,因此許多南部人都有趁盛產期在家裡做一批存放起來的習慣,以備冬季之用。
According to Michele, the habit to make passata for winter preserve is from south Italy. Many southern areas are important production area for tomato. From July to September, it’s the season for San Marzano tomato. This tomato of four to five fingers’ thickness is most suitable for passata. Even though almost every kind of tomanto can be used for passata as long as ripen, passata made from San Marzano is famous for its strong and fresh taste. It’s neither acid nor sweet. Many southern people have the habit to produce home made passata during production season and preserve it for winter.

The health conditions of my in-laws are getting worse these years. Though they are thinking to make it, their physical energy cannot really afford such tiring work. They’ve been talking about it so much that I started to think about giving it a try myself. So we chose a not-too-hot morning, called my in-laws asking for the right ingredients, and then went shopping for passata making.

Tow and half kilos of tomato, two sticks celery, one medium carrot, four cloves garlic, one big onion, and a bunch of parsley and basilic, simple as it is and no more than that. Chop everything into small pieces. Put celery, carrot, garlic and onion into a deep pot and pour enough water just to cover everything. Cook over high heat until vegetables are cooked. Add tomato, mix roughly and then add a cup of water. Continue cooking over high heat for about fifteen to twenty minutes and then add salt to taste. I was using a sever liters pot. Cook until the tomato is reduced to one-third, and it’s ready to pass the vegetable mill. Add basilic and parsley five minutes before switching off the fire.

煮好的番茄得經過壓擠過篩的動作,才能裝罐。公公那兒有專門的機器,可以分離果肉和殘渣,沒有習慣做番茄糊的我們,只好晚起袖子,拿起專用的蔬菜輾磨器(vegetable mill),一瓢瓢地壓製。壓出來的番茄糊裝罐蓋緊以後,再放入滾水中續煮半小時殺菌密封,取出後用毯子或棉被蓋起來包好,讓溫度慢慢降下來,放置兩天以後便大功告成。
The cooked vegetable mixture has to be passed through vegetable mill and then bottled. My in-laws have the machine version vegetable mill that can separate the tomato puree from the residual seeds and skins. We don’t have that kind of luxury and can only use the manual vegetable mill and process the mixture spoon by spoon. After the puree was bottled, we wrapped the bottles, put them into water and re-cooked the bottles for half hour for vacuum and disinfection. The bottles were then taken out from boiling water and covered with thick blanket to cool slowly. It’s normally ready after covered with blanket for two to three days.

Two and half kilos of tomato were made into three half-liter bottles of passata. I was wondering how much tomato my in-laws were using to produce enough passata for five families? Michele then told me that the big aluminum pot with fifty-centimeter diameter and seventy-centimeter height I once saw in the garage of my in-laws is the main apparatus for passata making. They prepared four to five pots of it every time and hundreds kilos of tomato were used at least. It really surprises me! If not for flavoring it according to personal taste, it’s not really necessary to spend so much efforts doing homemade passata. After all, one can easily find it in supermarket with low cost. However, Michele’s mother is a good cook and cannot really accept the ready-made mass production in the supermarket. Whatever she is able to prepare herself, she will never go for the ready-made stuff.

For me, it’s probably the first time and the last time. It seems to me that I’m digging a hole for myself… I can’t never use “I don’t know how” as the excuse to escape!!


Anonymous said...

我都會搖搖頭說 很少吃耶很少吃耶

Thelma said...

又可以變出一種新醬料 ^_^


Anonymous said...


最近有個blog tag遊戲

Anonymous said...


Thelma said...

cara melissa,

passata做起來不難, 不過得花時間... 我上次做那麼三小罐也耗了一個下午. 基本上裝罐以後再把整個罐子放水裡去煮, 就是要讓裡頭的空氣跑出來, 變成真空密封的狀態, 真空保存不用放冰箱, 室溫下放到冬天都沒問題. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hello~ Thelma,

不過今天是blog day
我要在我的文學廚房推薦你的blog 喔!
