雅典衛城的下方,座落著兩座劇場,其中,Odium of Herodes Attius目前仍是夏季戲劇與音樂表演的重要場所。
Under the Acropolis, there’re two open-air theaters. One of them, the Odium of Herodes Attius, is still an important place for theatrical and music performances in summer.
When I decided to go to Athens, Mirto started to plan the trips. In her opinion, the theater is something that I can’t miss. After she checked the programs, she decided to take me to see Nabucco.
I didn’t do my homework before I left for Athens, so I didn’t even know the story of the opera. So I was guessing through the whole performance as to what it is talking about with my broken Italian. The sceneography is quite simple and only some stairs are used. I’m neither familiar with the singers nor the orchestra, so I hardly could have any expectation and was thus able to enjoy a beautiful evening. First-class orchestra, high-quality performance and everything was almost perfect, apart from one single person of the audiences. He couldn’t wait to shout “Bravo” and clap his hands before each song was finished so we’re disturbed that we couldn’t even enjoy the last note of every song. Mirto teasingly said, “He could be a good friend of one of the singers.” In any case, it’s quite am annoying situation for other people.
When we stepped out the theater it’s passed midnight. The Acropolis sits highly on top of the hill. With the starry sky and spotlight, the Acropolis and the red brick walls underneath form quite a vivid image. The sight has put a beautiful end to my day.
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